R/GA x Siemens

Design Director

Working with R/GA to lead a design team, producing always-on social campaign content for global brands – with quality storytelling at the centre. For Siemens, we were asked to disrupt their brand image to appeal to a new audience of potential employees – taking them away from being viewed as a stuffy German manufacturing company who make refrigerators and instead aligning them with their competitors as a digital, future-making organisation. By injecting colour and energy into Siemens’ social world and telling the stories of real people, we were hugely successful in changing perception of what the brand is and does – appealing to a younger demographic who are interested in helping craft a new digital future.
  • Team leader
  • Art direction
  • Project management
  • Editorial design
  • Motion graphics
  • Illustration
  • Image retouching
  • Video editing
  • Colour grading
  • Commissioning

Working with R/GA to lead a design team, producing always-on social campaign content for global brands – with quality storytelling at the centre. For Siemens, we were asked to disrupt their brand image to appeal to a new audience of potential employees – taking them away from being viewed as a stuffy German manufacturing company who make refrigerators and instead aligning them with their competitors as a digital, future-making organisation. By injecting colour and energy into Siemens’ social world and telling the stories of real people, we were hugely successful in changing perception of what the brand is and does – appealing to a younger demographic who are interested in helping craft a new digital future.

*Source: Qualtrics survey, June 2018, n = 1200 Question: On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to consider working at Siemens? (1 least likely, 10 most likely)